Descriptions of Menu

The following explains each item of the menu in the [Workflow Top] window.

Item Description
[Activity List] link Clicking displays the [Activity List] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window.
[Workprocess List] link Clicking displays the [Workprocess List] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window.

The link will not be displayed when [Allow the starter to view Workprocesses] is set to [Do not allow] on [Other Settings] of the Workflow administrative application.

[Workflow Definition List] link Clicking displays the [Workflow Definition List] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window. When the logged-in user has neither a create definition permission nor publication permission, the [Workflow Definition List] link appears. Clicking the link displays in the [Workflow Definition List] window the Workflow definitions and start templates that can be started by the logged-in user.
[Progress Management] link Clicking displays the [Progress Management] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window.
[Search] link Clicking displays the [Search] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window.
[Personal Settings] link Clicking displays the [Personal Settings] window in the lower part of the [Workflow Top] window.

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